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"Супермен" Генрі Кавілл розповів про своє хобі, 14.04.2020 07:00, (прочит: 311 раз, коментовано: 0 раз)

Чим актор займається на карантині?

Виявилося, що Генрі Кавілл є не тільки великим шанувальником ігор, але у нього є ще одне таємне захоплення - розфарбовування мініатюр Games Workshop. Згідно посту в Instagram, актор відточує свої вміння, перебуваючи на карантині.

"Я вирішив відточити деякі старі навички і попрактикуватися в нових! Зараз настала пора переродження. Як бачите, перед вами мініатюрний шолом. Це одне з моїх найдавніших хобі, за розвитком якого я стежу, але приділяю не так багато часу. Представляю вам компанію Games Workshop або, як ми її називаємо, пластиковий крек "- написав Кавілл.


Переглянути цей допис в Instagram

Considering we are, both, going through the Easter period, and going through The Lockdown, I figured it a good time to put a silver lining onto the cloud that is some of the darker moments during this time. So I've decided to polish some old skills and try my hand at some new ones! It is a time of rebirth after all. So, as you can see here, the obvious might look a little bit like a tiny helmet...which it is. One of my almost life long hobbies, that I've been following but not actively doing, is this. A company called Games Workshop...or plastic crack as "we" call it. Genuinely can't get enough of the lore they have built over the decades. They have been some of my most enthused reads! If you were in denial about me being a geek before, you can't hide from it now. Also, in the background of this photo, there may just be some completely new skills I'm working on.....or there may not be, so all of your eye squinting and attempts at digital unfocusing will be in vain....orrrr maybe they won't. I also wanted to take this opportunity to thank, from the bottom of my heart, all of the NHS (National Health Service, here in the UK) and healthcare workers worldwide, for your unceasing efforts to protect us. I imagine it might be feeling a little rough right now, but you Ladies and Gents are absolutely smashing it! Keep it up! You got this. "Hold on a second", I hear you utter....."if he has both hands in the is he taking the photo??" New skills, my skills. #Easter #Passover #GamesWorkshop #ProperGeek #Custodes #NewSkills #NHS #ThankYou #Raggy?

Допис, поширений Henry Cavill (@henrycavill)

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